Friday, March 7, 2008

Stressed out...

It’s been a tough week, just soooooo much going on at work; lots of demands from lots of different directions and trying to balance all of the competing priorities. Working with multiple teams is such a balancing act.

I’ve also been a bit depressed lately. In addition to work, a lot of my friends and family are enduring personal challenges of varying severity, so I’m trying to be as supportive as I can with what little I’ve got left in me. I’ve had a lot of drama and heartbreak in my life since returning from the UK. Both my parents have been hospitalized, my friend had a brain tumor, two other friends are on the edge of divorce, I've moved twice, started a new job, and been through a major breakup.

My response has been to constantly stay busy, but that’s wearing a bit thin right now and the cracks are showing. I so need a vacation. Can't wait to go surfing again and just clear my mind for a couple of hours.