Sunday, June 17, 2007


My best friend is doing a study abroad in Athens this summer. Unfortunately, I missed her when she flew through London, so I took a short trip to Athens to say hello. The last time I was in Athens was 2003. At the time, I found the ramshackle, chaotic nature of the place to be a bit disconcerting (too many easy comparisons to Tijuana). However, I really enjoyed the city this time. The 2004 Olympics left Athens with vastly improved infrastructure. The airport is new, the subways have been renovated and extended, and the tram cars are modern and efficient. The city is still ramshackle and chaotic (every building is in a state of perpetual construction, the swarms of motorcycles, the total lack of sidewalks), but it's easier to enjoy when you can reliably get from point A to point B. The food was great, the people were nice, and the relaxed vibe of the city on a warm summer night was just what I need after the endless assignments of Trinity term. For now though, back to the books.