Monday, June 2, 2008

Kicking into summer

So it's been forever since I've written, but I haven't really been up to much. Didn't do anything Memorial Day; the weather was bad so I just went surfing and hiking. Last weekend was better, so I went surfing and hiking. I saw my little shark friend though.

Along the beaches of SoCal there are a bunch of bottom feeding sharks that hang out close to shore. I was walking out of the surf and spotted one a couple of yards away in the shallows. It looked like a sandy brown log, but it was a 4 foot sand shark. No big, they pretty much avoid people and swimmers rarely even notice them. Kinda cool once you notice though.

Today I had a client lunch at the Beverly Hills Hotel and saw Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer getting lunch. The Fonz was there too. Happy Days.