Dawn's blog got me thinking about it and this deal was too good to pass up, so Sophia and I are going to Tokyo next week. Konichiwa!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Add Give.a.Clik to your iGoogle page!
Give.a.Clik is a Free and Easy way to help your favorite charities. Search the web with Give.a.Clik and every time you click on a sponsored link a donation will be made to your favorite charity. Add it to your iGoogle page now! American Cancer Society
American Red Cross
Boys & Girls Club
Feed The Children
Habitat For Humanity
International Medical Corps
Special Olympics
The Nature Conservancy
United Way
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I started a charity, www.GiveAClik.org!
Here's how it works: Give.a.Clik is a search engine powered by Google. Every time you click on a sponsored link, the ad revenue is donated to the charity of your choice!
Please go to http://www.giveaclik.org/, choose a charity, and do something good for your community.
Thank you!